<div id="title-page"><h3>Webelos Camping Trip
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/Webelos.png">
[[Start]] | [[How to Play]]
(set: $Turkey to 0)
(set: $Butterfly to 0)
(set: $Jay to 0)
(set: $Tarantula to 0)
(set: $Woodpecker to 0)
(set: $Toad to 0)
(set: $Mosquitos to 0)
(set: $Bear to 0)
(set: $Coyote to 0)
(set: $Bunny to 0)
<h3>Webelos Camping Trip</h3>
Today you are going to go on a Webelos camping trip! Hopefully it will be fun. You promised to bring graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows for s’mores.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/smores.png">
What do you do before going on the trip?
[[Buy the marshmallows but forget the chocolate and graham crackers.->New Scout]]
[[Buy all of the s'mores ingredients from the store and bring them.->+1 Trustworthy Point]]
[[Buy the items but eat them in the car ride to the camping trip.->-1 Trustworthy Point]]
(set: $Total to 0)
(set: $Trustworthy to 0)
(set: $Loyal to 0)
(set: $Helpful to 0)
(set: $Friendly to 0)
(set: $Courteous to 0)
(set: $Kind to 0)
(set: $Obedient to 0)
(set: $Cheerful to 0)
(set: $Thrifty to 0)
(set: $Brave to 0)
(set: $Clean to 0)
(set: $Reverent to 0)
(set: $TrustworthyChime to 0)
(set: $LoyalChime to 0)
(set: $HelpfulChime to 0)
(set: $FriendlyChime to 0)
(set: $CourteousChime to 0)
(set: $KindChime to 0)
(Set: $ObedientChime to 0)
(Set: $CheerfulChime to 0)
(Set: $ThriftyChime to 0)
(Set: $BraveChime to 0)
(Set: $CleanChime to 0)
(Set: $ReverentChime to 0)You arrive at the campsite. Your scout leader brings a new scout to the scout pack.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/scout.png">
[[You say, “welcome to this scout pack,” and introduce him to your friends.->+1 Friendly Point]]
[[You say, "hi."->Pitch the Tent]]
[[You run away from him.->-1 Friendly Point]]
Your scout leader says, “It’s getting late so let’s help each other put our tents up.”
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/tent.png">
[[You say, "I'll do it later."->Go on a Hike]]
[[You grab the tent poles and use them as swords to fight with your friends.->-1 Courteous Point]]
[[“How about I help you pitch your tent, and then you can help me pitch mine?” You ask the new scout.->+1 Courteous Point]]Your scout leader says, “We are about to go on a hike but it has a 40% chance of rain.” Some scouts don’t want to go because they don’t want to get wet. (if: $Friendly is 1)[The new scout smiles at you and says, "Let's go!"]
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/jacket.png">
[[You say, "I might get wet but will go anyway."->Look at Tarantula]]
[[You say, “I do not want to go! It's definitely going to rain. Nobody should go.”->-1 Cheerful Point]]
[[You say, “There is a 60% of sun! We can also bring our rain jackets to be prepared.”->+1 Cheerful Point]] During the hike, you see a [[California tarantula->Tarantula]] on the trail.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/tarantula.png">
[[You tell the scout leader, “Quick! Poke it with a stick!”->-1 Kind Point]]
[[You want to make sure that nobody harms it. You say, “okay everyone just look at it.” You make sure that everyone leaves it alone as they hike by.->+1 Kind Point]]
[[You say, "okay everyone don't touch it." But then afterwards you lightly touch it.->Make the Campfire]]
{(if: $Trustworthy is 1)[Everyone keeps looking at the marshmallows, chocolate and graham cracker you brought in eager anticipation. Your scout leader says, “let’s make a campfire so that we can have s’mores! Who can help get sticks?”]
(if: $Trustworthy is 0)[The scout leader asks, "where are the marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers?"
You admit you forgot the chocolate and graham crackers but at least you have marshmallows.
"Great," says the scout leader, "Let's make a fire so we can toast them! Who can help get sticks?"]
(if: $Trustworthy is -1)[The scout leader asks, "where are the marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers?"
You admit you don't have the ingredients. The scouts are disappointed. But then someone's mom finds back up marshmallows in her car.
"Great," says the scout leader, "Let's make a fire so we can toast them! Who can help get sticks?"]
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/twig.png">
[[“I’ll help!” you say and start gathering the sticks.->+1 Helpful Point]]
[[“I don’t need sticks for a campfire. I will just eat the marshmallow uncooked,” you think to yourself. You bring one stick then stop.->Clean Dishes]]
[[You grab some sticks but then throw them in the river!->-1 Helpful Point]]
After dinner, someone needs to clean the dishes.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/dishes.png">
[[You bring the dirty dishes to the water fountain but some other people are using it. You put them in the wet mud under the water fountain and wander off.->-1 Clean Point]]
[[You say, “I can clean the dishes.” You get the soap and start cleaning them.->+1 Clean Point]]
[[You say reluctantly, "I will clean them if nobody else does."->Flag Retirement]]
The scout leader says, "it is time for the flag retirement ceremony." People gather for the flag ceremony. {(if: $Friendly is -1)[You see the new scout sitting by himself.](if: $Friendly is 1)[The new scout is sitting by your friends and you join them.]}
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/flag.png">
[[You watch the flag retirement ceremony respectfully.->+1 Loyal Point]]
[[You try to grab at the flag during the ceremony.->-1 Loyal Point]]
[[You stay in the back. You try to pay attention but then your arm feels itchy so you scratch it.->0 Loyal Point]]
The scout leader says that it is night time.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/sleep.png">
[[You bring out a bell and start dinging it in the middle of the night – all your friends laugh!->-1 Obedient Point]]
[[You talk a little then fall asleep.->Appreciate the Sunrise]]
[[You don’t make any noise and fall asleep right away.->+1 Obedient Point]]
Everyone just got out of bed and there is a beautiful sunrise. {(If: $Obedient is -1)[You feel groggy from lack of sleep the night before.]} The scout leader says, "look at the beautiful sunrise!"
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/sunrise.png">
[[You sit down in front of the sun rise and appreciate it.->+1 Reverent Point]]
[[You loudly say, "what is that horrible thing - it is too bright!"->-1 Reverent point]]
[[You look at it for a minute then look for something to eat.->Getting Food]]
It is time for breakfast. {(if: $Clean is 1)[All the clean dishes are stacked up ready to go.] (if: $Clean is -1)[The stack of dishes seems smaller today than it did yesterday.]} The scout leader says, "It is time to get breakfast. Only take what you can eat so that everyone gets some eggs!"
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/eggs.png">
[[You look at the line and only take what you know for sure you can eat - leaving plenty of eggs for others.->+1 Thrifty Point]]
[[You get a little more than what you can eat comfortably. Oof - feeling full!->Snake]]
[[You get together with your friends and see who can shove the most food on their plate.->-1 Thrifty Point]]
Some kids say that they saw a snake in front of the bathrooms yesterday. But the new Webelos needs to go to the bathroom.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/snake.png">
[[You go with him a little but then you turn back.->End]]
[[You go with the new Webelos to the bathroom in case the snake is there even though you are scared of it.->+1 Brave Point]]
[[You say, "there is a giant rattlesnake that will bite you multiple times." The new Webelos doesn't want to go to the bathroom anymore.->-1 Brave Point]]
<h3>[-1 Trustworthy Point]</h3>
That was a lot of sugar. Ugh - you feel sick! You try not to barf on the way up.
[[Continue->New Scout]]
(Set: $Trustworthy to -1)
<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay>The Webelos camping trip is over!
{(set: $Total to $Trustworthy+$Loyal+$Helpful+$Friendly+$Courteous+$Kind+$Obedient+$Cheerful+$Thrifty+$Brave+$Clean+$Reverent)
(if: $Total > 0)[As people pack up, they smile at each other.]
(if: $Total is 0)[This has been a fun trip.]
(if: $Total < 0)[Everyone seems ready to go home.]}
<h3>[+1 Friendly Point]</h3>
The new scout looks happy. His family has a dog and you get to pat it.
[[Continue->Pitch the Tent]]
(if: $TrustworthyChime is 1)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]
(set: $Friendly to 1)
<h3>[+1 Trustworthy Point]</h3>
On the car ride up you feel excited to go on the camping trip! You see some [[wild turkeys->Wild Turkey]] on the way up.
[[Continue->New Scout]]
(Set: $Trustworthy to 1)
(if: $TrustworthyChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[+1 Courteous Point]</h3>
The new scout says, "thank you!" and you put up the tents together. As you set up the tents you see a [[California Dogface Butterfly->California Dogface Butterfly]] in the bushes nearby.
[[Continue->Go on a Hike]]
(Set: $Courteous to 1)
(if: $CourteousChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[+1 Cheerful Point]</h3>
Your good cheer makes everyone feel cheerful. All of the scouts prepare to go on the hike with a good attitude. A [[California scrub jay->California Scrub Jay]] calls overhead. It turns out to be a beautiful day!
[[Continue->Look at Tarantula]]
(Set: $Cheerful to 1)
(if: $CheerfulChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[+1 Kind Point]</h3>
The tarantula walks off.
[[Continue->Make the Campfire]]
(Set: $Kind to 1)
(if: $KindChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[+1 Clean Point]</h3>
You bring the clean dishes back to camp and stack them up neatly. "Thank you!" says one of the moms. You hear a tapping sound on a tree nearby - it's a [[Nuttall's woodpecker->Nuttall's Woodpecker]]!
[[Continue->Flag Retirement]]
(Set: $Clean to 1)
(if: $CleanChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[+1 Helpful Point]</h3>
You and a couple of other scouts bring logs from the car and find some smaller sticks for starting the fire. The scout leader shows you a neat way to start the campfire with the smaller sticks and cotton.
[[Continue->Clean Dishes]]
(Set: $Helpful to 1)
(Set: $Woodpecker to 1)
(If: $HelpfulChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[+1 Loyal Point]</h3>
Your scout leader looks around for someone to help with the ceremony and calls on you! It is nice to be part of the ceremony.
[[Continue->Going to Bed]]
(Set: $Loyal to 1)
(if: $LoyalChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[+1 Obedient Point]</h3>
You sleep peacefully.
[[Continue->Appreciate the Sunrise]]
(Set: $Obedient to 1)
(if: $ObedientChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[+1 Reverent Point]</h3>
You take time to watch the beautiful sunrise. It makes you feel good to see it. {(If: $Kind is 1)[You also see something moving under a bush - it is a tarantula! Could it be the same tarantula from the hike? Maybe! You are glad you helped protect the tarantula on the hike the other day.]}
[[Continue->Getting Food]]
(Set: $Reverent to 1)
(if: $ReverentChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[+1 Thrifty Point]</h3>
Everyone gets eggs and feels happy about eating breakfast.
(Set: $Thrifty to 1)
(if: $ThriftyChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[+1 Brave Point]</h3>
You and the new scout talk on the way to the bathroom. He brings his dog and you take turns holding the leash. You see a [[brush rabbit->Brush Rabbit]] on the way. It feels like you have a new friend. {(if: $Clean is -1)[On the way to the bathroom you overhear someone at the water fountain say "Who left all these dirty dishes here?"]}
(Set: $Brave to 1)
(if: $BraveChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/success-sound-effect.mp3" autoplay>]
{(if: $Total is 0)[You had an OK camping trip.]
(if: $Total > 0 and <=8)[You had a good camping trip.]
(if: $Total > 8)[You had a great camping trip!]
(if: $Total < 0)[There are some things you could improve upon.]}
Here is your total: $Total
{(if: $Trustworthy is not -1 and $Loyal is not -1 and $Helpful is not -1 and $Friendly is not -1 and $Courteous is not -1 and $Kind is not -1 and $Obedient is not -1 and $Cheerful is not -1 and $Thrifty is not -1 and $Brave is not -1 and $Clean is not -1 and $Reverent is not -1)[You got no negative points!] (else:)[You got negative points for not being:]}
{(if: $Trustworthy is -1)[* Trustworthy]
(if: $Loyal is -1)[* Loyal]
(if: $Helpful is -1)[* Helpful]
(if: $Friendly is -1)[* Friendly]
(if: $Courteous is -1)[* Courteous]
(if: $Kind is -1)[* Kind]
(if: $Obedient is -1)[* Obedient]
(if: $Cheerful is -1)[* Cheerful]
(if: $Thrifty is -1)[* Thrifty]
(if: $Brave is -1)[* Brave]
(if: $Clean is -1)[* Clean]
(if: $Reverent is -1)[* Reverent]}
{(if: $Trustworthy is not 1 and $Loyal is not 1 and $Helpful is not 1 and $Friendly is not 1 and $Courteous is not 1 and $Kind is not 1 and $Obedient is not 1 and $Cheerful is not 1 and $Thrifty is not 1 and $Brave is not 1 and $Clean is not 1 and $Reverent is not 1)[You got no positive points!](else:)[You got positive points for being:]}
{(if: $Trustworthy is 1)[* Trustworthy]
(if: $Loyal is 1)[* Loyal]
(if: $Helpful is 1)[* Helpful]
(if: $Friendly is 1)[* Friendly]
(if: $Courteous is 1)[* Courteous]
(if: $Kind is 1)[* Kind]
(if: $Obedient is 1)[* Obedient]
(if: $Cheerful is 1)[* Cheerful]
(if: $Thrifty is 1)[* Thrifty]
(if: $Brave is 1)[* Brave]
(if: $Clean is 1)[* Clean]
(if: $Reverent is 1)[* Reverent]}
(if: $Total is 12)[Congratulations! You got all $Total positive points.]}
[[Check your Wildlife Journal->Wildlife Journal]]
(if: $Turkey + $Butterfly + $Jay + $Tarantula + $Woodpecker + $Toad + $Mosquitos + $Bear + $Coyote + $Bunny <10)[* If you play again you may be able to find more wildlife!](else: )[You found all the wildlife!]
[[Go on the Webelos Camping Trip again to find anything you may have missed->Start]]
[[The End]]<div id="title-page"><h3>Thanks for Playing!</h3>
<span style="font-size: 80%">This game was developed as part of the
Webelos "Game Design" merit badge requirements.
[[Reset and Replay the game->Webelos Camping Trip]]
{Return to
(link:"Marcus Kai Wang website")[(gotoURL:"http://www.marcuskaiwang.com")]
For more information:
(These links take you out of the game)
(link:"Webelos Badges")[(gotoURL:"http://usscouts.org/advance/cubscout/webelos.asp")]
(link:"Boy Scout law")[(gotoURL:"https://www.scouting.org/about/faq/question10/")]
(link:"Boy Scouts of America")[(gotoURL:"https://www.scouting.org/")]
(link:"Boy Scouts of America Western Los Angeles City Council")[(gotoURL:"https://bsa-la.org/")]
(link:"Flag Retirement Ceremony")[(gotoURL:"http://usscouts.org/ceremony/flagret1.asp")]
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/webelos-game.png">
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/arrow-light.png">
(set: $Turkey to 0)
(set: $Butterfly to 0)
(set: $Jay to 0)
(set: $Tarantula to 0)
(set: $Woodpecker to 0)
(set: $Toad to 0)
(set: $Mosquitos to 0)
(set: $Bear to 0)
(set: $Coyote to 0)
(set: $Bunny to 0)
<h3>[-1 Reverent Point]</h3>
You mope around while others watch the sunrise. {(If: $Kind is -1)[You kick a bush and see a dead tarantula under it. Was that the tarantula from the hike the other day? You hope not.]}
[[Continue->Getting Food]]
(Set: $Reverent to -1)
<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay><h3>[-1 Friendly Point]</h3>
The new scout looks sad.
[[Continue->Pitch the Tent]]
(Set: $Friendly to -1)
<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay><h3>[-1 Courteous Point]</h3>
The scout leader yells at you, "put those down!"
[[Continue->Go on a Hike]]
(Set: $Courteous to -1)
<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay><h3>[-1 Cheerful Point]</h3>
Other scouts say, "we don't want to go either!" Some of them refuse to go. Your mom makes you go anyway. You stomp up the trail. It doesn't rain.
[[Continue->Look at Tarantula]]
(Set: $Cheerful to -1)
<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay><h3>[-1 Kind Point]</h3>
Even though you were sort of joking about poking the tarantula with a stick you see other kids pick up a stick and begin poking it. Poor tarantula!
[[Continue->Make the Campfire]]
(Set: $Kind to -1)
<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay><h3>[-1 Helpful Point]</h3>
No one else is throwing sticks in the river. A [[California toad->California Toad]] hops away from you. You feel lonely.
[[Continue->Clean Dishes]]
(Set: $Helpful to -1)
(if: $HelpfulChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[-1 Clean Point]</h3>
After leaving the dishes in the mud, you wipe your hands on your pants. Now they are dirty too!
[[Continue->Flag Retirement]]
(Set: $Clean to -1)
<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay><h3>[-1 Loyal Point]</h3>
Your mother pulls you aside and tells you to take a time out. You overhear one of the other mothers tell your friends to leave you alone until you can act respectfully.
[[Continue->Going to Bed]]
(Set: $Loyal to -1)
<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay><h3>[-1 Obedient Point]</h3>
No one sleeps for a long time. In the middle of the night you hear the yip of a distant [[coyote->Coyote]].
[[Continue->Appreciate the Sunrise]]
(Set: $Obedient to -1)
(if: $ObedientChime is 0)[<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay>]<h3>[-1 Thrifty Point]</h3>
Some people don't get eggs - they glare at you and your friends.
(Set: $Thrifty to -1)
<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay><h3>[-1 Brave Point]</h3>
The scout leader tells the new scout to go across the campground to go to the other bathroom. He walks off. {(if: $Clean is -1)[As you loll around camp, one of the parents comes back from the water fountain saying, "someone left a bunch of dishes in the mud by the water fountain."]}
(Set: $Brave to -1)
<audio src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/sounds/fail-trombone-01.mp3" autoplay><h3>How to Play</h3>
You are going on a Webelos camping trip. Keep your eyes peeled to see and learn about wildlife. Have fun and uphold The Scout Law!
[[What is The Scout Law?->The Scout Law]]
[[Start]]<h3>The Scout Law</h3>
The Scout Law has 12 points. Each is a goal for every Scout. A Scout tries to live up to the Law every day. It is not always easy to do, but a Scout always tries.
A Scout is:
TRUSTWORTHY. Tell the truth and keep promises. People can depend on you.
LOYAL. Show that you care about your family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and country.
HELPFUL. Volunteer to help others without expecting a reward.
FRIENDLY. Be a friend to everyone, even people who are very different from you.
COURTEOUS. Be polite to everyone and always use good manners.
KIND. Treat others as you want to be treated. Never harm or kill any living thing without good reason.
OBEDIENT. Follow the rules of your family, school, and pack. Obey the laws of your community and country.
CHEERFUL. Look for the bright side of life. Cheerfully do tasks that come your way. Try to help others be happy.
THRIFTY. Work to pay your own way. Try not to be wasteful. Use time, food, supplies, and natural resources wisely.
BRAVE. Face difficult situations even when you feel afraid. Do what you think is right despite what others might be doing or saying.
CLEAN. Keep your body and mind fit. Help keep your home and community clean.
REVERENT. Be reverent toward God. Be faithful in your religious duties. Respect the beliefs of others.
<h3>[[Start]]</h3><h3>Wildlife Journal</h3>
(if: $Turkey is 1)[1. Wild Turkey](else:)[1. ?????]
(if: $Butterfly is 1)[2. California Dogface Butterfly](else:)[2. ?????]
(if: $Jay is 1)[3. California Scrub Jay](else:)[3. ?????]
(if: $Tarantula is 1)[4. Tarantula](else:)[4. ?????]
(if: $Woodpecker is 1)[5. Nuttall's Woodpecker](else:)[5. ?????]
(if: $Toad is 1)[6. California Toad](else:)[6. ?????]
(if: $Mosquitos is 1)[7. Mosquito](else:)[7. ?????]
(if: $Bear is 1)[8. ~~Grizzly Bear~~?](else:)[8. ?????]
(if: $Coyote is 1)[9. Coyote](else:)[9. ?????]
(if: $Bunny is 1)[10. Brush Rabbit](else:)[10. ?????]
You look at your arm, are the [[mosquitos->Mosquito]] biting? You look into the dark forest and see some movement - could that be a [[grizzly bear->Grizzly Bear?]]?
[[Continue->Going to Bed]]
<h3>Wild Turkey</h3>
Turkeys have a wingspan of up to six feet, which makes them the largest bird in their natural habitat of the open forest by far.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/turkey.jpg">
[[Back->+1 Trustworthy Point]]
(set: $TrustworthyChime to 1)
(Set: $Turkey to 1)
<h3>California Dogface Butterfly</h3>
The California dogface butterfly, also called "dog-head butterfly," is found only in California. The male has markings on its wings resembling a silhouette of a dog's head. The female is usually solid yellow with a black spot on each upper wing.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/butterfly.jpg">
[[Back->+1 Courteous Point]]
(set: $CourteousChime to 1)
(set: $Butterfly to 1)<h3>Mosquito</h3>
California has 53 different species of mosquitos. Two nonnative mosquitos have joined us: Aedes albopictus (in 2011) and Aedes aegypti (in 2013) There are efforts to control and possibly get rid of these nonnative species.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/mosquito.jpg">
[[Back->0 Loyal Point]]
(set: $Mosquitos to 1)
(set: $LoyalChime to 1)<h3>California Scrub Jay</h3>
Like many members of the crow and jay family, California Scrub Jays have a mischievous streak. They've been caught stealing acorns from Acorn Woodpecker caches, and some even steal acorns they've watched other jays hide. When these birds go to hide their own acorns, they check first that no other jays are watching.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/jay.jpg">
[[Back->+1 Cheerful Point]]
(set: $CheerfulChime to 1)
(Set: $Jay to 1)<h3>Grizzly Bear?</h3>
You didn't see a California grizzly bear (even if you thought you did).
Less than 75 years after the discovery of gold, every grizzly in California was tracked down and killed. The California grizzly bear has been extinct since 1924.
The California Grizzly is on the California State flag and was designated the official State Animal in 1953.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/caflag.jpg">
[[Back->0 Loyal Point]]
(set: $Bear to 1)
(set: $LoyalChime to 1)<h3>Coyote</h3>
Coyotes have long, narrow snouts, lean bodies, yellow eyes, bushy tails and thick fur. Coyotes hunt at night and howl to communicate their location. They are also known for being "wily". They are smart and have keen hearing, smell and sight.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/coyote.jpg">
[[Back->-1 Obedient Point]]
(Set: $ObedientChime to 1)
(Set: $Coyote to 1)<h3>California Tarantula</h3>
The California tarantula is a very docile native spider. Tarantulas are not poisonous to humans, though like all spiders they have venom that is effective on their prey (beetles, grasshoppers, lizards, mice, scorpions, spiders and other insects). Female tarantulas can live for up to 25 years. Male tarantulas take 7 to 10 years to mature before emerging to roam the area.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/tarantula.jpg">
[[Back->Look at Tarantula]]
(Set: $Tarantula to 1)
(set: $CheerfulChime to 1)<h3>Nuttall's Woodpecker</h3>
The Nuttall's Woodpecker was named after naturalist Thomas Nuttall. Its limited range, low density, and close association with oak woodlands and riparian zones make it vulnerable to losing its habitat.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/woodpecker.jpg">
[[Back->+1 Clean Point]]
(set: $CleanChime to 1)
(set: $Woodpecker to 1)<h3>California Toad</h3>
The California toad is a subspecies of the western toad, along with the boreal toad. The California toad has a wider head, larger eyes and smaller feet than the boreal toad. The California toad eats grasshoppers, beetles, flies, and mosquitos.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/toad.jpg">
[[Back->-1 Helpful Point]]
(set: $HelpfulChime to 1)
(Set: $Toad to 1)<h3>Brush Rabbit</h3>
Brush Rabbits inhabit dense, brushy cover, typically in chaparral vegetation. It creates runways throughout the vegetation. These rabbits hardly ever leave the brush for long periods of time.
<img src="https://marcuskaiwang.com/scouts/images/bunny.jpg">
[[Back->+1 Brave Point]]
(set: $BraveChime to 1)
(Set: $Bunny to 1)